Self-Managed Super Fund Lending
Government legislation permitting Self-Managed Super funds (SMSF) to borrow money for the purpose of acquiring property is still relatively new.
Many people view this avenue as a means to diversify their portfolio via a tax effective mechanism in order to further provide for their retirement phase in life.
Things to consider when Borrowing in a SMSF:
The costs associated with establishing a SMSF and the Bare Trust which beneficially owns the acquired property can often be far greater than originally estimated
SMSF legislation is both complex and continually changing with lack of compliance to these laws being viewed negatively by governing bodies such as the ATO
Once these facilities are established they are very difficult to “unwind”
It is extremely important to obtain independent financial advice by a qualified individual accredited to discuss SMSF
JCM Finance can assist by liaising with your Advisors (ie Accountant; Solicitor; Financial Advisor) to ensure that the most appropriate funding package is obtained to meet your needs whilst adhering to the recommendations provided by your Advisors.